On Thursday morning, Israeli soldiers and paramilitary colonizers uprooted hundreds of trees and farmlands in Salfit in the central part of the occupied West Bank.

In the central West Bank in Salfit, the soldiers invaded the Khallet Al-Haramiyya area, west of the city, before surrounding it and started bulldozing and uprooting about 40 Dunams.

The soldiers prevented the Palestinian farmers from entering their lands before uprooting more than 250 trees.

Local sources said the trees were planted 10-15 years ago and added that the soldiers also used chainsaws to cut more than 50 almond trees and grapevines, while military bulldozers removed fences in addition to destroying water tanks and roads.

In Hares village, west of Salfit, illegal Israeli colonizers cut and uprooted more than 35 olive trees.

The colonizers came from the Netafim illegal colony, built on stolen Palestinian lands in Deir Istiya, Qarawat Bani Hassan, and Hares, and cut many trees, including olive trees.

In related news, the colonizers destroyed irrigation lines in Khirbet Emneizal in Susiya village in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron, in the occupied West Bank’s southern part.
