On Wednesday, Israeli soldiers demolished two homes in Hebron city and the nearby Tarqoumia town in the occupied West Bank’s southern part.

Suleiman Ja’afra, an activist with the Wall & Colonization Resistance Commission, said the soldiers demolished a residential shed, built using bricks and tin, and was about 70 square meters in the At-Tayba area in Tarqoumia town, west of Hebron,

Ja’afra added that the home was on private Palestinian land near the bypass road used by the illegal colonizers and is owned by Ata Jamil Ja’afra.

Ja’afra said he filed several appeals against the demolition, but they were all denied by Israeli courts.

The soldiers also demolished another home owned by Palestinians from the local Al-Qawasmi family in Hebron city.

Furthermore, the army bulldozed Palestinian lands and uprooted several olive trees and grapevines.

It is worth mentioning that the At-Tayba area is subject to constant Israeli violations due to Israel’s constant attempts to annex Palestinian lands to expand the Adora and Telem illegal colonies.