Updated: The Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed that Israeli soldiers killed four Palestinians and injured forty-four, some seriously, in a massive invasion of Jenin, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

The Ministry said the fourth slain Palestinian has been identified as Mohammad Mahmoud Barahma, 30, from Anzah village, southwest of Jenin.

The Ministry added that the soldiers also shot forty-four Palestinians, including several young men who suffered life-threatening wounds, and children.

Most of the wounded Palestinians were shot in the head, neck, and chest, and several Palestinians were shot in the abdomen area.

Two of the seriously wounded Palestinians have not been identified due to their serious upper-body wounds, and the hospital is appealing to the Palestinians to help identify them and to donate blood.

The soldiers also killed Abdul-Rahman Fathi Khazem, 27, Mohammad Hisham Abu Na’sa, 25, from Jenin refugee camp, and Ahmad Nathmi Alawna, 26, from Jenin city.

The Palestinians announced a general strike in several parts of the occupied West Bank and haled massive protests in Ramallah, Hebron, Nablus, and several other areas of the occupied territory, causing many injuries.

Also, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said Israeli colonizers invaded Madama village near Nablus and injured eight Palestinians.

Sep 28, 2022, at 12:18: Updated 2: The Health Ministry has confirmed that the soldiers killed three Palestinians, Abdul-Rahman Fathi Khazem, 27, Mohammad Mahmoud Barahma, 30, and Ahmad Nathmi Alawna, 26. At least Forty-four Palestinians have been injured, three serious, including one whose skull was shattered by a bullet fired by an Israeli army sharpshooter.

Abdul-Rahman was ambushed between Palestinian homes before the soldiers executed him before he noticed them, eyewitnesses have confirmed.

He is the brother of Ra’ad Fathi Khazem, 29, who, on April 8, 2022, was killed by Israeli forces while hiding near a mosque in Jaffa. The soldiers invaded the Jenin refugee camp to abduct his father.

The massive Israeli invasion of Jenin and Jenin refugee camp is still ongoing amidst ongoing protests and exchanges of fire with Palestinian resistance fighters.

The Health Ministry said the number of wounded Palestinians arrived to at least forty-four, including several serious injuries.

One of the wounded Palestinians is a seriously injured child who the Israeli soldiers shot with two live rounds in the chest and the thigh, severely a main artery.

Ambulances are still moving wounded Palestinians to hospitals in Jenin, while many are still trying to reach the areas of protests, especially in Jenin refugee camps and near Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin city.

Some of the wounded were shot in the head and the chest; the extent of their wounds is to be determined.

Palestinian civilians are also using their cars to transport wounded Palestinians to hospitals.

Israeli Soldiers Kill One Palestinian, Injure Fourteen, In Jenin
Sep 28, 2022, at 11:18

Updated 1: The Health Ministry has confirmed that the soldiers killed three Palestinians, Abed Fathi Khazem, 27, Mohammad Mahmoud Al-Wanna, 30, and Ahmad Nathmi Alawna, 26.

The Health Ministry has confirmed that the soldiers killed Ahmad Nathmi Alawna, 24, from Jenin, after shooting him with a live round in the head. The soldiers also shot and injured fourteen, including at least two who suffered serious wounds.

The Health Ministry said an Israeli sharpshooter shot Ahmad with a live round in the head during an exchange of fire near the main entrance of the refugee camp, inflicting very serious wounds before he succumbed to critical injuries at a hospital in Jenin.

The Health Ministry also confirmed nine injuries, including two who suffered life-threatening wounds, and added that the latest injury was when one Palestinian was shot with a high0velicty gas bomb in the thigh was standing near several medics.

Also among the wounded was a child who was shot in the leg, the Health Ministry stated.

The Israeli army is ongoing with its invasion and is using armed drones and sharpshooters, Palestine TV said.

Palestine TV added that the army repeatedly pretended to be withdrawing from the area and waited until dozens of Palestinians gathered in the streets before advancing and firing live rounds on them.

The soldiers also frequently targeted Palestinian ambulances, medics, and reporters with live fire to force them to leave.

The soldiers also fired many live rounds at several schools in the area, causing damage, and anxiety attacks among the children in a kindergarten.

Amry sharpshooters were still operating in the area, and continue to fire at Palestinians in the streets, amidst ongoing protests.

The number of injuries could be higher than confirmed because the soldiers are still isolating the invaded area, and are attacking medics, ambulances and journalists.

Israeli army sharpshooters are still occupying rooftops of several buildings and are firing at Palestinian protesters. The army’s armed drones also continue to operate in the area.

Updated From: 
Israeli Soldiers Injure Nine Palestinians, Two Seriously, In Jenin
Sep 28, 2022, at 10:25

On Wednesday, dozens of armored Israeli military vehicles invaded the areas surrounding the Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank city of Jenin and surrounded a home before firing a missile at it, in addition to shooting at least nine Palestinians, two seriously.

Palestine TV said the armored military vehicles, including two bulldozers, surrounded the family home of Ra’ad Fathi Khazem, 29, who, on April 8, 2022, was killed by Israeli forces while hiding near a mosque in Jaffa, before an armed drone fired a missile at it.

The army said its soldiers invaded Jenin to arrests Ra’ad’s father and his brother and alleged that the brother is responsible for firing live rounds at soldiers of the Israeli Combat Engineering Corps near the Al-Jalama roadblock two weeks earlier.

The home is at the entrance of the refugee camp, and the army fired the missile at it without invading the refugee camp because it was expecting heavy armed resistance.

The attack led to protests in several parts of Jenin before the soldiers targeted the Palestinians with live fire and fired many rounds at ambulances and medical teams trying to evacuate wounded Palestinian.

Dr. Wisam Bakr, the director of Khalil Suleiman governmental hospital in Jenin, said the soldiers shot two Palestinians with live fire in the chest and the head, inflicting life-threatening wounds, in addition to shooting at least two seven young men. Palestine TV said one of the wounded is the brother of Ra’ad Hazem.

The soldiers also closed the Jenin refugee camp and surrounding areas and attacked Palestinian journalists to prevent them from entering the city to document the invasion and the unfolding events.

Eyewitnesses said the soldiers invaded several tall buildings and ransacked them before occupying their rooftop to use them as firing posts for their sharpshooters.

The sharpshooters on top of the buildings, and others hiding behind trees and homes, fired many live rounds at Palestinian protesters, including many rounds toward journalists and press vehicles.

Palestinian children in schools in the invaded area in Jenin and Jenin refugee camps were told to hide under the desks and behind the concrete walls in their classrooms due to the intensity of Israeli army fire, especially the sharpshooters.

School administrations said they advised the children to remain in their educational facilities because of the ongoing invasion and the extensity of Israeli army fires in the streets.

Salam Taher, the director of the Education Ministry in Jenin, said many children suffered severe anxiety attacks, and added that the children in classes on the upper floors were taken to the lower levels to avoid direct Israeli army fire.

She added that the schools are taking all precautionary measures to ensure the safety of the children and staffers in the schools.

Furthermore, the army deployed dozens of additional soldiers, closed and surrounded Jenin city, and deployed many armored vehicles to surround several areas, especially near and around the Jenin refugee camp.

Reports remain scarce due to Israel’s isolation and closure of the Jenin refugee camp and the fact that the army is preventing journalists and medics from entering it.

Ambulances, medics and journalists are trying to enter the refugee camp, but the soldiers continue to prevent them and are threatening to target them with live fire.

Armed military drones are still flying over Jenin and Jenin refugee camp.