Israeli forces abducted, on Tuesday, nine Palestinian children in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood in the southern West Bank city of Hebron, while armed illegal colonizers invaded the Old City.

While children were returning home from school, on Tuesday, Israeli soldiers abducted nine children between the ages of 8 and 13, in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood in the center of Hebron.

Occupation forces abducted nine children from the Al-Tamimi, Miteb, and Shaheen families, taking them to an undisclosed location.

Meanwhile, armed illegal settlers stormed, on Tuesday, the Old City of Hebron including the Ibrahimi Mosque, while full security was provided by the Israeli army.

The army erected military roadblocks in a number of neighborhoods, including Tel Rumeida, in order to facilitate the invasion of illegal settlers.

Armed colonizers freely roamed the streets, while chanting racist slogans, including “Death to Arabs” while they marched through the Old City.

At the same time, soldiers impeded the movement of Palestinians trying to return to their homes.

In related news, a 13-year-old child was shot in the head with a rubber-coated steel round, on Tuesday evening, when Palestinians protested the military presence in the southern area of Hebron.

Israeli forces opened fire with rubber-coated steel rounds and tear gas canisters at those resisting the incursion, injuring Yazan Nadi Abu Qweider, 13, with a steel round in his head.

According to Tariq Al-Barbarawi, the Director General of Alia Governmental Hospital in Hebron, Abu Qweider, 13, was brought to the hospital with a skull fracture and bleeding in the brain.

Al-Barbarawi added that the injured child was admitted to surgery in stable condition.