Annan: Separation Wall Is a Violation to International Law
Annan said Friday that the continued construction of the separationIMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 29, 2003 In a report to the UN General Assembly, UN Secretary-General Cofi Annan said Friday…
UN & Int’l Agencies Warn To Halt Activities Due to Closure Policy
territories recently warned Israel that they may stop their activityIMEMC & Agencies, November 28, 2003 The heads of UN and international agencies operating in the territories recently warned Israel that…
Sharon Unilateral Positive Package Turned into Threats
on Thursday, Palestinians, saying ‘you do not have unlimited time,IMEMC & Agencies, November 28, 2003 Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon threatened, in a news conference on Thursday, Palestinians, saying ‘you…
Cuts in Loan Guarantees, a Dangerous Compromise
security Advisor and the Israel Prime Minister envoy, the AmericanGhassan Andoni-IMEMC-Analysis, November 27, 2003 At the end of a series of meetings between the U.S. national security Advisor and the…
Labor Approves Withdrawal to June 4, 1967 Borders
Monday, finalized the guide lines of the party’s political plan toIMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 26, 2003 Labor party political council, in its meeting in Tel Aviv, on Monday, finalized…
U.S. Cuts $289.5 Million from Lawn Guarantees
Prime Minister Office, and Condoleezza Rice, U.S. National SecurityIMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 26, 2003 In talks held Tuesday between Dov Weisglass, Bureau chief of Israeli Prime Minister Office, and…
PA Warns; Sharon Intendeds to Escape Road Map Obligations
of unilateral steps is a political maneuver to escape obligationsIMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 25, 2003 Palestinian President Yasser Arafat said a Monday that Sharon’s hint of unilateral steps is…
Sharon Scored PR Success without Presenting a Substantial Plan
Labid, who demanded a cabinet decision on a new fence route that isIMEMC Staff and Agencies, November 24, 2003 Responding to a proposal from the side of Justice minister Tomy…
Three More West Bank Palestinians transferred to The Gaza
Ahmed al-Mushkah, 27, from Jenin, Alla Hassuna, 28, from Nablus andReservation IMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 24, 2003 Ahmed al-Mushkah, 27, from Jenin, Alla Hassuna, 28, from Nablus and Samer…
Rather Than Providing Security, Separation Wall Became a Security
Gunmen shot dead Saturday evening two guards stationed at theHazard IMEMC Staff & Agencies Gunmen shot dead Saturday evening two guards stationed at the separation wall construction site in the…
Army Killed Two Palestinians, Including 10-Years-Old Child
Army source said Saturday that a Palestinian, claimed to be armed, was shot dead near the security fence in the Gaza Strip. Army said that an army patrol found the…
Thousands in Gaza Protest against Geneva Accords
to protest against Geneva Accords. The gathering, the first sinceIMEMC & Agencies, November 22, 2003 Thousands gathered Friday in Jabalya Refugee camp in the Gaza strip to protest against Geneva…
Despite Tight Closure, 200,000 Joined Holy Friday Prayer in
Starting Thursday morning, Army, police, and security forces tightened the closure around Jerusalem and security measures inside the holy city, especially around Al-Aqsa mosque compound. Thousands of local residents, mostly…
PMO down Played Reports on Plans to Evacuate WB Settlements
Channel 2 TV report, which stated that Sharon plans to evacuate aIMEMC & Agencies, November 22, 2003 Israeli Prime Minister Office down played the significance of the Channel 2 TV…
What’s an Anti-Semite?
 In his NY Times column on November 13, Thomas Friedman advocated the development of greater diplomatic relations between Saudi and Israel. He cited that, in light of the political and…
Army Admits the Usage of Internationally Band Ammunition
by demanding accurate information over the ammunition used in theIMEMC & Agencies, November 21, 2003 MK Yossi Sarid created uproar in the security and political circles by demanding accurate information…
To Encounter Pressure, Sharon Considers ‘Positive Unilateral Steps’
Ariel Sharon is putting together a package of ‘positive unilateralIMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 21, 2003 An Israeli Prime Minister Office source confirmed Thursday that PM Ariel Sharon is putting…
UN Security Council Unanimously Approves the Russian Resolution
Russian resolution to formally accept the road map as a means ofIMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 20, 2003 The UN Security council unanimously approved Wednesday evening the Russian resolution to…
Israel Declared Readiness to Halt Attacks In Exchange For a Cease
A senior source close to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon saidFire IMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 19, 2003 A senior source close to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Tuesday…
U.S. Lacks the Honesty to Be ME Broker
family and property or even to acquire a better level of privacy.Ghassan Andoni-IMEMC-Analysis, November 19, 2003 Every one has the right to build a fence on his land to protect…
Resistance Strikes, Killing Two Soldiers near Bethlehem
standing at the military check post that links Jerusalem with GoshIMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 18, 2003 Resistance men shot dead Tuesday morning two soldiers as they were standing at…
Another Truce Deal, would it work?
expected today (Monday) in Ramallah to meet with President ArafatGhassan Andoni – IMEMC –Analysis, November 17, 2003 11:41 The head of the Egyptian intelligence service, Omer Suleiman, is expected today…
Hamas & IJ Agreed to Hold Truce Talks with Qurei
reporters, on Friday, that his movement has no objection to dialogueIMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 15, 2003 The founder and spiritual leader of Hamas, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, told reporters, on…
Ex-Shin Bet Heads: ‘Must Withdraw from WB & Gaza Even if it entails
Yaakov Perry, who headed the agency during 1987-1993, told IsraeliClashes with Settlers’ IMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 15, 2003 Yaakov Perry, who headed the agency during 1987-1993, told Israeli news…
Qurei, the Impossible Mission
Wednesday the confidence of the Palestinian Legislative CouncilIMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 13, 2003 With a majority of 48 to 17 Qurei’s 26-members government won Wednesday the confidence of the…
The Second Half of 1948
Despite International opposition, Israel is building what it calls its ‘security fence’ in the occupied Palestinian areas. Palestinians and human right advocates call Israel’s separation barrier the ‘Apartheid wall.’ Over…
Gaza Turned into a Prison to West bankers
Mohammed Idris, 26, who had been held at Eretz military check postIMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 12, 2003 Army unit transferred Monday evening the administrative detainee Mohammed Idris, 26, who…
Blood on the Hand
regularly misused as a run away from fulfilling commitments. TheGhassan Andoni – IMEMC – Article, November 11, 2003 Statements that appear to be humanely and ethically right, are regularly misused…
Prisoners’ Swap deal Halted over Release of Kuntar
the terms proposed by Prime Minister Sharon for the prisoners’ swapIMEMC & Agencies, November 10, 2003 In its Sunday meeting, Israeli cabinet approved with a slim majority the terms proposed…
U.S & Israel Unhappy with Arafat’s Increased Power, but Open for
In reaction to the formation of the new Palestinian cabinet, the U.STalks with New Cabinet IMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 10, 2003 In reaction to the formation of the new…
Sharon Expects Cabinet to Approve Prisoners’ Swap Today
Sunday meeting (today), to approve in principle the prisonersIMEMC Staff & Agencies Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon will ask his cabinet, in its Sunday meeting (today), to approve in principle…
Army Intensifies Assaults Against Gaza and Jenin
operating inside the town of Burqeen, near the West bank city ofIMEMC Satff & agencies Palestinian sources reported Saturday afternoon that troops operating inside the town of Burqeen, near the…
Bloody Friday, Soldiers Killed 8, Including a Child
Amjad Abeidi, a senior Islamic Jihad leader.IMEMC & Agencies,November 8, 2003 Troops operating in the West bank city of Jenin wounded and captured Amjad Abeidi, a senior Islamic Jihad leader.…
Geneva Accords Gathers a Growing International Support
support to the initiators of the Geneva Accords. The letterIMEMC Staff and Agencies, November 8, 2003 U.S. Secretary of state Collin Powell sent Friday a letter of support to the…
Palestinian New Cabinet Expected in Few Days
Qurei agreed in a late Friday night meeting on appointing HakamIMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 8, 2003 Palestinian President Yasser Arafat and his Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei agreed in a…
UN General Assembly Calls Israel to Protect Palestinian Children
resolution, demanding that Israel protect Palestinian children.IMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 7, 2003 UN general assembly panel adopted Thursday an Egyptian-sponsored resolution, demanding that Israel protect Palestinian children. The resolution…
Sharon Eager to Finalize Prisoners’ Swap with Hezbollah
with the family of missing Air force pilot Ron Arad and told themIMEMC & Agencies, November 7, 2003 Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon held Thursday night a meeting with the…
Dispute on Going Over Interior Minsitry
Qurei failed Wednesday evening to agree on a candidate for theIMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 6, 2003 Palestinian President Yasser Arafat and his Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei failed Wednesday evening…
Settlers Warn DM against Removing Outposts
his planned attempt to remove a dozen of settler’s “unauthorizedâ€ÂIMEMC Staff & Agencies,November 5, 2003 Settlers warned Tuesday Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz against his planned attempt to remove a…
Europeans Look at Israel as Threat No. One to World peace
opinion poll in which around 60% identified Israel as the number oneGhassan Andoni-IMEMC-Analysis,November 5, 2003 Israelis are up roared with the published results of the EU public opinion poll in…
Security Cooperation Paves Way to Political Talks
form a new government, arrive at an agreement with President YasserIMEMC & Agencies,November 4, 2003 Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei is racing against time to form a new government, arrive…
Hamas Rule out Another Unilateral Truce, Expressed Readiness to
Hamas Spokesman Abdel-Aziz Rantisi told Reuters, on Sunday, that hisAvoid Civilian Casualties IMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 3, 2003 Hamas Spokesman Abdel-Aziz Rantisi told Reuters, on Sunday, that his group…
Qurei, Mofaz, Expected to Meet Soon
about meeting Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz early last week.IMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 3, 2003 Palestinian Prime Minster Ahmed Qurei denied Sunday media reports about meeting Israeli Defense Minister…
Qurei: A Meeting with Sharon Should Be Combined With Efforts to Stop
Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei confirmed Saturday that thereViolence and Halt Settlements IMEMC Staff & Agencies Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei confirmed Saturday that there were contacts with the Israeli…
Soldiers at the Bethlehem-Jerusalem military check post prevented Friday morning hundreds of the res
According to a local source, the luckiest among the driver suffered from an hour delay and residents in the close by neighborhood provided water for the passengers sitting inside the…
Geneva Accords Gathers a Growing International Support
U.S. Secretary of State sent Friday a letter praising the GenevaGeneva Accords Gathers a Growing International Support IMEMC Staff and Agencies, 9:24 U.S. Secretary of State sent Friday a letter…
Sharon Is Seeking Talks with Arafat’s Cabinet
Ariel Sharon said Thursday that Israel was prepared to negotiateIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 31, 2003 Speaking at an economic forum in Tel Aviv, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said…
As Efforts for a Truce Continue, Army and Resistance
Two settlers were injured Wednesday as their car, traveling at KadimContinue with the Fight IMEMC & Agencies,October 30, 2003 Two settlers were injured Wednesday as their car, traveling at Kadim…
Why justice in Palestine/Israel is in the best interest of the Western world
‘Nam tua res agitur paries cum proximus ardet’ is one of the lassical Latin proverbs for educated lawyers, ‘Because it is your business if your neighbour’s roof is burning’ (i.e.,…
The Meaning of Closure
When missiles are flying in Gaza, killing dozens each day, a small word like “closure†can seem benign. Particularly to those of us who are used to being able to…
Qurei: Resistance Agreed to Hold Cease-fire talks
Arafat’s request to form a permanent cabinet, said that resistanceIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 29, 2003 Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei, who accepted Tuesday Arafat’s request to form a permanent…
Bush: There is a Difference between Security and Land
U.S. president George Bush warned in a news conference Tuesday thatAcquisition IMEMC Staff & agencies, October 29, 2003 U.S. president George Bush warned in a news conference Tuesday that the…
Israeli, Hezbollah, Exchange Accusations and Shillings
Defense minister Shaul Mofaz said Tuseday that Hezbollah might beIMEMC & Agencies, October 28, 2003 During a visit to Nitzarim settlement in th Gaza Strip, Israeli Defense minister Shaul Mofaz…
Arafat Would Soon Ask Qurie to Form a Regular Cabinet
Arafat would, in the coming few days, ask Prime Minster Ahmed QureiIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 28, 2003 Palestinian Authority well informed sources reported that President Arafat would, in the…
Army Finally Agreed To Investigate Its Self on the Killing of A
The spokesman of the British Embassy in Israel said Monday that theBritish Peace Activist IMEMC & Agencies, October 28, 2003 The spokesman of the British Embassy in Israel said Monday…
One More Attempt for another Truce
Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei requested a meeting with the LeadershipIMEMC & Agencies, October 27, 2003 Hamas leader in Gaza Abdul-Aziz Rantisi confirmed that Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei requested a…
Israel is looking at Resuming Talks with PA at Cabinet Level
Dove Weisglass, Director of PM Bureau, to investigate the intentionsIMEMC & Agencies, October 26, 2003 Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon formed a delegation, headed by Dove Weisglass, Director of PM…
When Army Become the Investigator, Judge and an Executer
over looking Netzarim settlement after evacuating more than 2,000Ghassan Andony-IMEMC,October 26, 2003 Army blew up Friday evening using dynamite three 13-story buildings over looking Netzarim settlement after evacuating more than…
The Eastern Route of the ‘Wall’ Turns Peace Efforts Meaningless
minister Ariel Sharon confirmed that his security devices areIMEMC & Agencies, October 26, 2003 In an interview with Israel TV Channel two, on Friday , Prime minister Ariel Sharon confirmed…
The Deadly Game
claims, aggression, and ideologies. Through history, it wasGhassan Andoni – Analysis, October 25, 2003 Accommodating to the other is complicated by a series of historical claims, aggression, and ideologies. Through…
Two International Volunteers and Two Palestinian Boys Shot in Nablus
were injured Friday evening when Israeli soldiers drove into theIMEMC Special, October 25, 2003 17:23 Two young Palestinian boys and two international peace activists were injured Friday evening when Israeli…
Closure Corrupts
officers, Major Amos Zuaretz of Netanya and First Lieutenant OshriGhassan Andoni –IMEMC, October 24, 2003 A gag order was lifted Thursday and information around The two officers, Major Amos Zuaretz…
Gaza is Back to The Cycle of Attacks and Counter Attacks
4:20 am the exterior fence of Netzarim settlement in the Gaza StripIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 24, 2003 According to a military source, two resistance men crossed Friday 4:20 am…
Tenders to Build More Homes in WB Settlements
construction of more than 300 new apartments in west bankIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 24, 2003 Israeli housing ministry issued a tender Thursday for the construction of more than 300…
As Army continued to operate in WB, 5 Palestinians were Killed on
Israeli settlers in Hebron, attacked residents of the old city ofwednesday IMEMC & Agencies October 23, 2003 Israeli settlers in Hebron, attacked residents of the old city of Hebron using…
Collaborators File Opened Again, Two Publicly Executed in Tulkarem
in their early twenties were shot dead Thursday by masked activistsIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 23, 2003 In Tulkarem refugee camp, two men, Samer Ufi and Mohamed Faraj, bth in…
23 Wounded in Ramallah Invasion
and the neighboring towns of Albeirah and Birzeit. SoldiersIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 22, 2003 More than 40 army vehicles invaded the West Bank city of Ramallah and the neighboring…
Israel to defy U.N. Resolution and Continue with the Construction of
Israel defied Wednesday U.N. General Assembly resolution thatthe wall IMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 22, 2003 Israel defied Wednesday U.N. General Assembly resolution that condemned the construction of the separation…
Black Monday in Gaza
the same home that was attacked in the morning hours, recording theIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 21, 2003 Around 10:30 P.M. Monday, army Apaches fired once more a missile at…
Sharon Slams Left for Geneva Document; Peres Slams PM for Lost
“He looked nervous, sounded angry, and lacked self confidence†thisOpportunities IMEMC & Agencies, October 21, 2003 “He looked nervous, sounded angry, and lacked self confidence†this is how Knesset Member…
Troops Ambushed Near Ramallah, 3 Soldiers Killed, One Seriously
According to Israeli army and medical sources three soldiers wereWounded IMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 20, 2003 According to Israeli army and medical sources three soldiers were killed and another…
Series of Apache Attacks on Gaza City
Sharon described the attacks as ‘part of the war against terrorism’,IMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 20, 2003 While Ra’anan Gissin, an advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon described the…
Seven Farmers Detained at South Gate All Night, One Arrest Bex Gibbs
West Bank, spent the night locked behind the damaged South gate of& George Rishmawi, IMEMC, October 20, 2003 15:27 Seven farmers from Jayyous village, near Qalqilia city, north of the…
Israel: a Bid to Transfer ‘Wall’ Issue to International Court Is
The UN General Assembly will convene Monday to discuss a proposal,’Extremely Dangerous’ IMEMC & Agencies 12:15 The UN General Assembly will convene Monday to discuss a proposal, submitted by the…
A Fatah Delegation in Washington for Cease-Fire Talks
talks with U.S. officials and legislators.IMEMC Staff & Agencies Three senior Fatah officials departed early Sunday to Washington for talks with U.S. officials and legislators. The three young Fatah leaders…
While The City Faces a ‘Human Tragedy’, Army Killed 3, Wounded 16 in
Two Hamas operatives and women were killed and 16 others wounded, asRafah IMEMC Staff & Agencies 12:10 Two Hamas operatives and women were killed and 16 others wounded, as soldiers…
U.S. Embassy Suspends All Trips to Gaza
in Gaza, U.S. embassy in Israel decided Friday to suspend untilIMEMC Staff & AgenciesOctober 18, 2003 9:21 Following the bombing attack that took the lives of three Americans in Gaza,…
EU Demands Israel and PA to Fulfill Road Map Obligations
forwarded a firm message to both Israel and the PalestinianIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 18, 2003 At the end of the European Union summit in Brussels, EU leaders forwarded a…
Military Order Turns Separation Wall into Land Grab
A new order issued by the military commander of the West Bank announced to Palestinians that they are no longer allowed to be on their land west of the separation…
Likud to Lose Ground in Coming Local Elections
would lose ground in many of the large and medium size cities in theIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 17, 2003 Surveys conducted by both Labor and Likud parties show that…
There is a Partner, a Detailed Solution, but not a Leadership
left was wrong, Palestinians wants to destroy you and now I providedGhassan Andoni, IMEMC, October 17, 2003 The supposedly leader of center and left told the public that the left…
Reports on More arrests in Relation to Wednesday Bombing
relation to the bombing of the American convoy, saying: ‘We madeIMEMC & Agencies, October 17, 2003 A leader of the Popular Resistance Committees denied Thursdayany relation to the bombing of…
Heated Dispute in Israel over Prisoner’s Swap
objections especially from the side of the missing since 1982 airIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 17, 2003 The prisoners’ swap with Hezbollah is still facing serious objections especially from the…
Is it a ‘PA’ or a ‘PLO’?
weaknesses that the Palestinian Authority worked hard to cover. TheGhassan Andoni, IMEMC, October 16, 2003 The attack against the American envoy in northern Gaza exposed the weaknesses that the Palestinian…
PA Security Arrests 3 in Relation to Wednesday Bombing
popular resistance committee, a group that consists largely ofIMEMC & Agencies, October 16, 2003 Palestinian police arrested Thursday morning three members of the popular resistance committee, a group that consists…
Transfer Turns Gaza into a Prison for West Bank Residents
army central command, Major General Moshe Kaplinsky signed an orderIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 15, 2003 In what appears to be a larger scale measure, the commander of the army…
U.S. Vetoed Resolution Calling a Halt to the ‘Wall’
presented to the UN Security Council, calling on Israel to halt theIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 15, 2003 United States vetoed Tuesday night a Palestinian-drafted resolution, presented to the UN…
U.S. calls Rafah demolitions ‘Self-Defense’
a Gaza Strip refugee camp were self-defense against ‘terrorism.’IMEMC & Agencies, October 15, 2003 The United States said on Tuesday that Israeli house demolitions in a Gaza Strip refugee camp…
3 Americans Killed in a Land Mine Explosion North of Gaza
morning near a convoy of three American Embassy cars near BeitIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 15, 2003 Three Americans killed, when an explosive device detonated Wednesday morning near a convoy…
The Sentinels of Jenin
For the third week, Israeli soldiers waged war against Jenin and its camp using vehicles of the most obscure size and shape. The streets have become a battlefield where fierce…
Cabinet Held First Meeting, Interior Left For NSC Decision
reports around the appointment of Hakam Balawi for interior, sayingIMEMC Staff, October 14,2003 Minister for external affairs Nabil Sha’ath denied Monday earlier reports around the appointment of Hakam Balawi for…
Army Back operating in Rafah Refugee Camp
into Rafah refugee camp. Army source described the incursion asIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 14, 2003 Dozens of Tanks, ABCs, and military Jeeps re-incurred Monday evening into Rafah refugee camp.…
Separation Wall Gate Closed, Villagers Away From Home for 9 Days
separation wall for the ninth executive day without being allowed toIMEMC Staff, October 14, 2003 70 farmers from Jauss village near Qalqyliah are locked west of the separation wall for…
Eyewitness account of the invasion of Rafah
Then the streets started screaming and we were running almost without thinking, down the edges of the street around the people who had lost their fear, around donkey carts loaded…
Rafah’s Invasion Leaves 2000 Residents Homeless
toured Sunday Rafah refugee camp to evaluate the damage caused byIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 13, 2003 The head of the UN agency for Palestinian Refugees Peter Hansen toured Sunday…
Geneva Document, Can Bass Unnoticed, Trigger Diplomacy
With the finalization of Geneva document, signs of opposition andor Escalate Violence Ghassan Andoni, IMEMC, October 13, 2003 With the finalization of Geneva document, signs of opposition and support are…
Qurei: New PM, New Cabinet within a Month
stepping out of a meeting with President Yasser Arafat that ‘in aIMEMC Staff October 13, 2003 Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Queri told Sunday reporters, after stepping out of a meeting…
Living Shield
The most dramatic moment arrived in the evening after Yom Kippur. We were sitting in the courtyard of Arafat’s Mukat’ah (compound); a group of Israeli peace activists and Palestinian friends,…
Once Again, Arafat Emerges As the Unchallenged PA Leader
Yasser Arafat and his Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei arrived at anIMEMC Staff, October 12, 2003 In a meeting Saturday evening in Ramallah, Palestinian President Yasser Arafat and his Prime Minister…
Local Sources in Rafah Deny Reports on Army Pull out
Rafah refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip, but added that aIMEMC Staff, October 12, 2003 Army source reported that troops pulled Sunday before dawn out from Rafah refugee camp…