Israeli TV Channel 10 has reported that Arab Members of Israeli Knesset are demanded the visiting US Secretary of State, John Kerry, to intervene and stop Israel’s Prawer Negev displacement plan.Channel 10 said that the Arab MKs sent a letter to Kerry, informing him that Israel is practicing ethnic cleansing against the Arabs and in Negev.

During the Thursday protest in front of the District Court, a protester said that this letter is part of an ongoing struggle which aims at increasing international pressure on Israel to stop its illegitimate plan.

Arab MK Talab Sane’ said that the Prawer-Begin Plan is a serious violation of all international treaties signed by Tel Aviv, especially agreements regarding the right of the residents to have homes, social and civil services.

Sane’ added that Israel must comply with International Law, and stop the Prawer plan as it is an act of ethnic cleansing towards thousands of Arabs in the Negev, and a crime against humanity.

Arabs and Bedouins continue their massive protests against the Prawer Plan, in front of the District Court in Be’er As-Sabe’ (Beersheba) and in other areas, despite the excessive use of force against them by the police.

Israel refuses to recognize dozens of Bedouin villages and communities in the Negev, and demolished those communities dozens of times, in an attempt to replace them with settlements and shopping centers.


The Prawer-Begin Plan aims at illegally confiscating nearly a million dunams of Arab – Bedouin land in the Negev, and the total destruction and removal of nearly 36 “unrecognized villages”, an issue that would lead to the displacement of about 100,000 people.

By forcing out the Arabs from the Negev and constructing malls and “Jewish-only” areas, Israel will be blocking any geographical contiguity between the Negev, Gaza and Sinai.

The plan, which passed following the first reading, would also lead to the illegal annexation of more than 800,000 dunams of Arab lands in the Negev.
