Dozens of Israeli soldiers invaded, on Wednesday night, after midnight, Birzeit University near the central West Bank city of Ramallah, after surrounding it from all sides, and imposing a strict siege on the university campus, and the entire area, the Palestinian TV stated.Palestinian TV has reported that at least 15 military jeeps, armored vehicles, and troop carriers, in addition to Israeli security jeeps, invaded the university campus before breaking into different buildings and violently searching them.

It said that more than a hundred soldiers participated in the invasion, and that the soldiers broke door locks, and held university guards after confiscating their phones and keys.

The soldiers then started an extensive search campaign, in an attempt to kidnap dozens of students and residents, who apparently noticed the army advancing and invading their university, and managed to escape.

The soldiers searched every college on campus, every storage room, hall, and building, causing extensive property damage.

The search lasted for more than 3.5 hours, searching and destroying whatever they could.

They also confiscated pictures and posters of Palestinians killed by the army, pictures of political prisoners, signs and even scout equipment, and loaded them onto special trucks they brought with them.

A number of students, who gathered in an area, outside the university campus, hurled stones and empty bottles at the military jeeps, as they were leaving the area, and the army fired rounds of live ammunition and concussion grenades; no injuries were reported.

Reporter Ali Dar Ali of the Palestinian TV said at the end of his televised report that the soldiers have turned the university into a military base, violating the campus and searching it with no regard to this important educational facility.

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At least 64 Palestinians were kidnapped on Wednesday, at dawn, including 51 former prisoners who were previously released under the Shalit Prisoner Swap Deal, bringing the number of kidnapped Palestinians, since last Thursday night, to more than 260 Palestinians.

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Birzeit Invasion Video Report – Palestine TV – Facebook, Reporter Ali Dar Ali