[Saturday, June 21, 2014] Palestinian medical sources have reported that at least ten young Palestinians were injured, after dozens of soldiers invaded the al-Biereh city, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah, and searched homes, companies and media facilities. The soldiers surrounded Ash-Sheikh Tower, in al-Biereh, and invaded the Noon Center for Islamic Studies, before ransacking it and confiscating several computers.

The Invasion led to clashes with the invading soldiers, and the army fired rubber-coated metal bullets, gas bombs and concussion grenades at local youth who hurled stones and empty bottles at them.

Soldiers also invaded the Pal Media News Agency, in the al-Baloa’ area, and assaulted the guard before confiscating computers, along with equipment and supplies. They further broke into several homes in the area, and ransacked them.

At least two Palestinians were injured earlier Saturday, in al-Biereh, while several Palestinians suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation. The two suffered moderate, but stables, injuries.

In addition, clashes have been reported in ash-Sharfa and al-Baloa’ areas, after the army invaded them.

The soldiers also searched an area behind the al-Biereh Mall, and the al-Ersal neighborhood, and searched several homes. The invasion into al-Biereh lasted for more than five hours.

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