The Palestinian Center For Human Rights, in Gaza, published its weekly report on the Israeli violations in the occupied territories in the period between January 11th and January 17th.

The Palestinian Center For Human Rights, in Gaza, published its weekly report on the Israeli violations in the occupied territories in the period between January 11th and January 17th.

The center reported that Israeli soldiers killed two Palestinian resistance fighters in the Gaza Strip.

On January 14th, two fighters were extra-judicially killed in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. The two were 20 meters away from the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel.

Meanwhile, in the West Bank, a Palestinian detainee held at the Negev Israeli detention facility died due to medical negligence. The detainee was identified as Jamal Hasan al-Sarahin, 37.

According to data collected by the Center, the Israeli army carried out thirty invasions of Palestinian communities in the West Bank, and two invasions in the Gaza Strip. During these invasions, two Palestinian houses were occupied and used as military posts. 

Troops also abducted 54 residents, including five children, a woman and her daughter.

In the Gaza Strip, soldiers invaded Abasan village, east of Khan Younis, and bulldozed several areas of farmlands.

The Israeli Army invaded Al Qarara village northeast of Khan Younis, and bulldozed areas of farmlands.

Moreover, the army continued imposing restriction on the movement of the Palestinians in the occupied territories and enforced more checkpoints around Jerusalem. 

Three Palestinians, including a girl, were taken prisoner at these checkpoints.

The construction of the Annexation Wall in the West Bank continued and soldiers razed lands in Um Salmouna village, near Bethlehem to construct a wall section there.

At least 15 Palestinian and international peace activists were injured during peaceful demonstrations against the Wall in the West Bank.

Settlement activities resumed as soldiers razed areas of lands in Yatta village, near Hebron in the southern part of the West Bank, in order to construct 44 new housing units for the settlers in Maali Adumim.

Soldiers imposed a strict siege on the Gaza Strip and closed its border crossings, which is considered a form of collective punishment against the residents.

The army has kept the Rafah International Crossing Point closed since 25 June 2006, even though they do not directly control it. The crossing point has not fully opened since then.

Troops have partially reopened commercial crossings, in particular al-Mintar (Karni) crossing, but many goods and medical supplies have been lacking in the Gaza Strip.

Also, soldiers continued to close Erez crossing in the northern Gaza Strip. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip have been prevented from traveling through this crossing.

Only a limited number of Palestinian casualties were allowed to enter Israel or the West Bank for hospitalization.

Fishermen in the Gaza Strip were prevented from fishing; restrictions on fishing were imposed seven months ago.

The Center called on the international human rights organizations to intervene in order to stop the Israeli violations of human rights, and the illegal practices against the Palestinians in the occupied territories.

Follow the link for full PCHR eport