Israeli bulldozers demolished one house in Issawiya, a Palestinian neighborhood in northeast Jerusalem, and another in Ras a-Baba (The Pope's Hill) in Eizariya.

The second home is located near the area where a wall is due to be built around the illegal settlement of Ma'ale Adummim, east of Jerusalem.

The demolition of these homes is a result of the fact that Palestinian home owners in the environs of Jerusalem are denied building permits by the Israeli authorities, subsequently their residences are deemed illegal.

Demolition went ahead this morning despite the presence of representatives of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) and representatives from the United Nations, who arrived to witness the crime.

A vigil to protest aginst such demolitions will be held outside Jerusalem's City Hall on Tuesday at 4.00 pm, ICAHD reported. Rubble from the demolished homes will be delivered to Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupoliansky at this vigil.