Israeli peace activists, members of the ‘Anarchists Against the Wall’ movement, protested on Saturday in Tel Aviv and closed a road using barbed wire taken from a fence soldiers installed in the occupied West Bank.The protesters took the section of the fence from Bilin village, near Ramallah city, in the northern part of the West Bank.

The activists installed the fence at the corner of Rothschild and Bar Ilan streets in central Tel Aviv,so as to demonstrate the suffering the Palestinians have to go through on a daily basis,an Israeli online daily reported.

The daily added that the activists hung signs on the barbed wire that they had taken from the fence. in Hebrew, Arabic and English they warned ‘trespassers’ that the area is ‘a closed military zone’ and that anyone who attempts to cross is putting his or her life at risk.

The activists said that blocking the traffic in a central Tel Aviv road comes to symbolize the suffering the Palestinians face since the Wall and fences limit their movement on a daily basis.

They added that the disruption caused by this roadblock placed in Tel Aviv, ‘is nothing compared to the disruptions and difficulties caused by the Israeli military checkpoints, apartheid road, settlements and the Wall’.

Anarchists Against the Wall held a similar protest four weeks ago in Tel Aviv and blocked a different road.