Implementation of the Makkah deal between Fatah and Hamas on a unity government has faced three conditions set by Hamas prior to the resignation of Ismael Haniyeh cabinet, Palestinian President’s advisor, Nabil Abu Rudeineh stated. Implementation of the Makkah deal between Fatah and Hamas on a unity government has faced three conditions set by Hamas prior to the resignation of Ismael Haniyeh cabinet, Palestinian President’s advisor, Nabil Abu Rudeineh stated.

Abu Rudeineh confirmed that the President Abbas’ address to the Palestinian people slated Thursday was postponed until the president and his Prime Minister Haniyeh clear out differences on ways to implement the deal.

Abu Rudeineh was quoted as saying “what is required currently is full commitment by all parties to the Makkah agreement without setting any conditions.’

Hamas’ MP, Yehya Mousa, asserted Thursday that it is too early for the cabinet to resign, pointing out that there are many points yet to be discussed beforehand. These include the cabinet’s resolutions that have been blocked, and nomination by Hamas of an independent interior minister.

Maher Meqdad, spokesman of Fatah, said that the deal on a national unity government that has been agreed upon in Makkah has been clear enough, and that any talk about other PLO-related issues would be worked out within an agreed time frame.

Hamas has demanded that all the resolutions taken by its government, including the new appointments in PA ministries and the executive force installation, be approved by President Abbas as preconditions for resigning and then forming a unity government.

The Palestinian President left Ramallah Thursday for talks with Prime Minister Haniyeh in Gaza. The talks aimed to settle the said emerging differences that would, according to commentators, block the implementation of the Makkah deal.