Senior Palestinian sources reported on Friday evening that official talks on forming the new unity cabinet will start on Saturday. The talks will be held with parliamentarian blocs and independent figures who will discuss joining the new government.The sources stated that the acting Prime Minister Ismail Haniyya will meet with delegates of Hamas and Fateh movements, and then will meet with representatives of several Palestinian factions and independent figures.

Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, officially asked Haniyya to form the government on Thursday.

 Haniyya said that he hopes that the government will be formed in less than three weeks, and confirmed that this government will work at breaking the siege imposed on the Palestinian people.

During a speech at Palestine Mosque in Gaza, Haniyya said after conducting Friday prayers that Saturday will witness the start of talks with the parliamentarian blocs and independent figures.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Legislative Council, dominated by Hamas, announced that it is ready to hold a session for appointing the new government which must be presented to the council in accordance to the Palestinian law.

Moreover, Haniyya stated that Israel must release all of the abducted legislators and ministers, and added that he held talks with Arab and Muslim leaders asking them to embrace the Mecca unity deal.

“I received positive assurances from them”, Haniyya stated.

Commenting on the Israeli excavations near the Al Aqsa Mosque, Haniyya said that the Palestinian people must unite to defend Jerusalem, and the Al Aqsa mosque, which is still threatened by the Israeli policies.