Israeli forces abducted at least 19 Palestinian civilians during invasions of several parts of the West Bank on Thursday morning.

Nablus city, in the northern part of the West Bank, has witnessed most of those abductions.11 out of the 19 individuals abducted in the morning were from Nablus.

A massive Israeli force invaded the city and conducted a wide-scale search campaign in different parts of the city. Soldiers fired sound bombs and live rounds at residents’ houses and forced families outside before searching their homes.

Troops damaged families’ belongings during their search and took away electrical devices such as television sets and computers. Some families reported that Israeli soldiers have stolen money and cell phones from their houses.

Among those abducted were Jamal Hawash, Amjad Aliwi, Bishara Dashon, Ayman Awad, Ashraf Abu Samra, and Mohamed Al Qutab, all were taken to unknown detention camps.

Kufer Thouleth village south of Qalqilia city, also in the northern West Bank, had its share in the abductions today. The Israeli army invaded the village, searched scores of residents’ houses and ransacked them, then took Ibraheem Qassem, 35, Jassem Omer, 33, and Tarik Zumari, 23, to unknown locations, eyewitnesses reported.

Sources in Qalqilia added that a number of Israeli soldiers installed a military checkpoint at the eastern entrance of the city and handed out unsubstantiated fines to Palestinian drivers.

In the central West Bank, two miners were abducted by Israeli forces that invaded the village of Al Ezariah (Bethany) on Wednesday.

Four army vehicles and a secret service (Shin Biet) vehicle attacked the village, searched some homes then took Mothafer Abu Rumi, 16, and Abd-Allah Khalaf, 15. The families of the two boys stated that the army and secret service agents attacked and beat up the two boys while abducting them