The Palestinian Red crescent Society issued a report on Wednesday stating that the Israeli army committed 68 violations against Palestinian medical teams in the month of February, 2007.

According to the report, the Israeli army have opened fire at Palestinian ambulances and physically attacked the medical teams seven times, and have prevented ambulances from passing through military checkpoints and detained the vehicles 61 times, 13 of which were at checkpoints surrounding Jerusalem.

All of these acts are a clear violation of article number 20 in the Fourth Geneva Convention. The most recent attacks that were documented occured during the Israeli military offensive "Hot Winter" targeting the city of Nablus, which claimed the lives of two civilians, left 40 injured and saw some 150 abducted.

During this attack on Nablus, the Israeli army targeted ambulances and attacked the main hospital in the city. Troops also closed its entrance and did not allow medical teams to leave or enter the hospital. They also prevented medical teams from administering medicine and medical aid to some of the injured, leading to one death in the old city area of Nablus.