The Palestinian Center for Human Rights, based in Gaza, published its weekly report on the Israeli violations of human rights in the Palestinian territories during the period between March 22nd and March 28th. During this period four Palestinians were killed and 10 civilians, including five children, were injured.The PCHR reported that four Palestinian civilians were killed by Israeli soldiers and settlers. Among the casualties was one shepherd herding his cattle near Bethlehem, and three Palestinian fighters in Jenin and Tulkarem.

On March 27th, two fighters were killed in Nablus, in the northern part of the West Bank; they were shot by the soldiers who also prevented a Palestinian ambulance from reaching them.

On March 28th, Israeli soldiers killed a resistance fighter in the Jenin refugee camp in the northern region of the West Bank.

On March 25th, one civilian was found stabbed to death 50 meters away from the settlement of Itimar, northwest of Aqraba village near Nablus. On the following morning, Israeli soldiers informed village residents that there was a body of a person stabbed to death near the settlement.

The body was found in an area that the army and settlement guards close off to any Palestinian. Several Palestinians have been killed by the settlers and soldiers in that area since the beginning of the Intifada.

Israeli troops carried out a total of 21 invasions in the occupied Palestinian territories and kidnapped 10 Palestinians, including five children.

Ten Palestinians, including five children, were injured during these invasions.  One person was seriously injured when the army fired a missile that landed near civilians on a  beach in the northern region of the Gaza Strip.

Four Palestinians were injured in Bil’in village, near Ramallah, during the weekly nonviolent protest against the Illegal Wall.

80 Dunams of land were annexed by the army for the construction of the Illegal Wall in Azzoun and Jayyous villages, near the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia.

Dozens of Dunams were razed for the Wall's contruction in Wadi Rahhal village, near Bethlehem.

Two Palestinian houses were demolished in Bal’a village, near Tulkarem.

The occupied territories remained under the strict siege imposed by Israel, and the Gaza Strip is suffering from shortages in fuels and medicine.

The Rafah international crossing, the Eretz Crossing, the Sofa Crossing and the Karni trade Crossing in the Gaza Strip remained closed. The Nahal Oz crossing, designated for the entry of fuels, was partially opened. This inconsistency meant that the Gaza Strip was left without sufficient fuels.

Click for the full PCHR report