The Hamas bloc at Bir Zeit University, near Ramallah in the northern part of the west Bank, achieved a slight victory over Fateh in Wednesday's student elections. Hamas won 22 seats while Fateh won 21 seats, while last year Hamas won 23 seats and Fateh won 18 seats.Moneer Qazzaz, head of the Students Affairs office at the university, said that the Hamas bloc achieved 2101 votes, while Fateh achieved 2002 votes. The Democratic Bloc garnered 568 votes, and the Islamic group 134.

A total of 5153 students participated in the vote (84.93%) as the total number of illegible voters is 6060.

The result of the vote was officially announced by the head of Bir Zeit University, Moneer Qassis.

The Islamic Jihad only won two seats, and the Progressive Student’s party won six seats.

According to Hamas sources, Fateh members and members of security devices loyal to Fateh, fired rounds of live ammunition after the results were announced and deployed in the university. The Hamas-run news website, Palestine Info, reported that Hamas members did not retaliate.

Several days ago, Hamas won the students elections in Hebron University and achieved 21 seats while Fateh won 19 seats.