The Palestine News Network (PNN) reported on Friday that soldiers broke into the house of Houriyya Al Saidaly, in the Jenin refugee camp, in the northern West Bank city of Jenin, and forced the family out for four hours as the soldiers searched and ransacked the property. troops also searched several nearby houses.Houriya told the PNN that for four hours, soldiers inflected maximum damage to her furniture and property after occupying the house.

She added that the soldiers carried provocative acts against her family and against her ailing daughter who needs to remain in the house resting and taking her medications in time but the soldiers did not pay attention to the mother’s appeals.

“They damaged everything they could”, Houriya stated, “they removed the floor tiles, ripped and damaged the furniture, threw our food on the ground, mixed oil with wheat and rice, they ransacked our house in every way you can think of”.

She added that no member of her family is wanted to the Israeli security.

Farid Al Saidaly, Houriya’s said that soldiers broke into the family home at 2 a.m and that the family was awakened by the loud shouts and screams of the soldiers who were knocking on the door and kicking it demanding the family to leave their house or else soldiers will demolish it “over their heads”.

“The building includes five flats”, Farid said, “when I heard the soldiers knocking on the door and shouting I rushed to open it before they punish us for not opening fast, my children and their families live in these flats, as I opened the door I found more than 40 soldiers pointing their guns at me and ordering us to step out”.

After the family was forced out, soldiers searched them, inspected their identity cards numbers and forced them to stay out in the cold as they searched and ransacked the property.

Eyewitnesses reported that the invasion to that neighborhood was carried out by twenty armored vehicles, while soldiers occupied several houses and forced the families, and their children, out.

“I tried to tell the soldiers that my child, Asma’, is suffering from a disease in her kidney and liver, but they did not care”, Farid added, “they refused to let her back into the house, she was screaming and crying but we were all hopeless in front of the heavily armed soldiers”.

Meanwhile, Houriyya stated that the soldiers searched the house using dogs and that she could hear the soldiers breaking her furniture, glass, and everything they placed their hands on. Later on, some soldiers came out and started interrogating her sons and asking them about the location of resistance fighters.

While searching the house, soldiers fired rounds of live ammunition at the closets, clothes, the fridge, the TV, and deliberately broke the plates and glasses.   

The army claimed that they suspected that fighters were hiding in the house, but after searching and destroying it, they left the area without carrying any arrests.

Israeli troops carried repeated invasions and attacks in the Jenin refugee camp since the beginning of this month, the army claims that the search campaign aims locating and detaining wanted resistance fighters.