A report prepared and published by the Palestinian Ministry of Detainees revealed that Israeli troops kidnapped nearly 600 women since the beginning of the Intifada in September 28, 2000; 128 women are still imprisoned and are facing harsh living conditions.The report stated that 62 of the detained women were sent to court and were sentenced, and that 63 women are still detained without a trial while three more women are imprisoned under administrative detention orders without charges or trial.

95 of the detained women are single, 21 are married, 4 are windows, 7 are divorced and one is engaged.

70 of the detained women are imprisoned in Al Ramleh Israeli detention facility, and 58 are in Telmond; they are facing harsh living conditions, repeated attacks and are barred from their basic rights.

The geographical distribution of the detained women;

10 are from Jerusalem 19 from Hebron 9 from Bethlehem 33 from Nablus 24 from Jenin 8 from Ramallah 12 from Tulkarem 4 from Qalqilia 3 from the Gaza Strip 1 from Sakhneen 2 from Nazareth    

The ministry also stated that twelve of the female detainees are children; seven are in Al Ramleh and five in Telmond. Only one of the m was sentenced by an Israeli court.

Also, three female detainees gave birth to their children in prison; they are identified as Mirvat Taha, Manal Ghanim and Samar Sbeih.

Several female detainees were tortured during interrogation as the soldiers practiced psychological pressures on them and threatened to rape them.

Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons are deprived from their medication rights and are subjected to continuous attacks by the soldiers who repeatedly broke into the detainees’ rooms and confined several them to solitary.

Female detainees are subjected to provocative body searches by the soldiers, and carried repeated hunger strikes demanding the Israeli Prison Authority to treat them according to the international law and the principles of human rights.

The Israeli Prison Authorities responded by attacking the detainees, barring them from sleeping for extended periods, confined dozens to solitary, and barred them from their visitation rights.

Currently, the following female detainees are in solitary confinement; Areen Sheibat, Suad Hamad, Suad Nazzal, Hala Jaber, Amna Mona and Nisreen Abu Zeina.

It is worth mentioning that Abu Zeina has been confined in solitary confinement since eight months, and detainee Amna Mona has been confined t solitary since nine months. The cells are underground and filled with humidity and bugs.

Female detainees are also punished for objecting against the repeated attacks to their rooms, the provocative searches against them and their rooms, the lack of cleaning tools, barring their families from bringing them clothes and food, and barring some detainees from continuing their educational processes.