Despite an Israeli high court ruling to ban on using Palestinians as human shields, the Israeli army continue to force Palestinian civilians to walk in front of their military vehicles as they invade several West Bank areas.Despite an Israeli high court ruling to ban on using Palestinians as human shields, the Israeli army continue to force Palestinian civilians to walk in front of their military vehicles as they invade several West Bank areas.

Eyewitnesses in Balata refugee camp near Nablus reported that Israeli troops used Mahmoud Ji'arim, from the camp as a human shield on Monday morning. J'iarim was forced to walk with the soldiers as they went around in the camp and kidnapped five Palestinians.

Eyewitnesses said that troops invaded the camp and Al-Dahiya neighborhood in Nablus and took prisoner Abdul Rahman Al-Qani, Mahmoud Al-Sahli, Mohammad Hamid, Ghassan Abu Hamada and Mohammad Abdul Ghani.

In March Israeli troops were video-taped using Palestinian civilians as human shields, despite objections by International HUman Rights Organizations and the ruling of the Israeli court of Justice, who illegalized the usage of civilians in military operations.