Four Palestinian resistance fighters were killed Saturday in two separate incidents, three by Israeli army gunfire, Palestinian medics in Gaza said.

The Israeli army, stationed on Gaza Israel-Gaza border line, killed early this morning three Palestinians, Palestinian security sources said.

The sources added that they have been informed to send medics to the area, to transfer dead bodies of three Palestinians.

A statement faxed to reporters by the Hamas-linked Ezzildin Alqssam brigades, read that three of its fighters were killed by Israeli fire, while they were in a ‘Jihad mission’.

Abu Obeida, spokesman of the brigades said “the Israeli army’s crime against these fighters indicates that Israel is not interested in the current state of calm’.

Faqzi Barhoum, Hamas’s spokesman called on the Palestinian resistance groups to consider a deliberate response to the Israeli crimes, saying that his movement will not take a negative position toward such crimes’.

Hamas did not give a clear-cut stand over the weekend with regard to reportedly Egyptian mediation for a state of calm between Israel and the resistance groups, on which Israel would have to refrain from attacking Gaza in return for halt of homemade rockets.

Media reports said the Palestinian groups had agreed to renew the half-year-old ceasefire if Israel stops attacking the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

Spokesmen of the Islamic Jihad group in Gaza, Dawood Shehab told IMEMC earlier that his group did not pledge to the Egyptians to stop resistance unless Israel refrains from attacking the Palestinian territories.

In a separate incident, a fourth Palestinian fighter was killed, when an explosive device went off in Gaza. The fighter’s cousin was moderately injured.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Popular Resistance Committees claimed early this morning responsibility for launching some homemade shells at nearby Israeli areas. No injuries were reported.

Latest developments on the ground would threaten an already fragile ceasefire, following a barrage of homemade shells, the Hamas-linked Alqassam brigades fired on Israeli targets last week after Israel killed 9 Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

A statement by Al-Qassam brigades declared the ceasefire ‘dead’ and vowed to resume attacks on Israeli targets, while Israel later announced it would carry out limited attack on Gaza.