The Teachers union called, on Tuesday, for a massive protest in front of the Palestinian legislative council buildings in Ramallah city in the central West Bank and in Gaza city in the Gaza strip on Wednesday.
In a press statement the union said that the main issue of the protest will be to get the Palestinian MPs to listen to the teachers who are suffering from bad economical situation due to the Palestinian government inability to bay their over due salaries.

Bassam Zakarna, head of the Government Teachers Union stated on Monday that all governmental teachers will hold a general strike on Wednesday, and that they will escalate their procedures if the government does not abide by the signed agreement regarding transferring their salaries.

Zakarna stated that the Dr. Nasser Ed Deen El Sha’er, the Finance Minister, said that the government will transfer a half-month salary to the teachers, adding that if these statements and other promises are not fulfilled, the teacher will hold further strikes.

He added that these strikes are not against the government as a legitimate institution, but they are carried out since the teachers became unable even to pay for their transportation expenses, and do not have money to feed their children.

The Palestinian Authority has not been able to buy its employees since the USA EU and Israeli decided to impose an economical embargo on the Palestinian people shortly after Hamas won the parliamentary elections in January 2006.