Seven non-violent protesters were injured and another ten were detained by the Israeli army on Friday afternoon in the weekly non-violent protest in the village of Bilin near the central West Bank city of Ramallah.

Seven non-violent protesters were injured and another ten were detained by the Israeli army on Friday afternoon in the weekly non-violent protest in the village of Bilin near the central West Bank city of Ramallah.

As is the case every week, villagers, side by side with Israeli and International peace activists marched towards the gate of the illegal wall built on the village's land.

Upon arrival at the gate of the wall, Israeli troops waiting there opened fire on the protesters, injuring 7 of them. One was seriously injured in the leg by a rubber coated bullet and had to be moved to a nearby hospital. Iyad Burnat, one of the organizers of the protest stated told IMEMC that troops reacted with violence towards the protestors.

“As we arrived at the construction site of the wall, the Israeli soldiers shot several tear gas bombs and rubber-coated metal bullets at us. One of the protestors was hit from a distance of 3 meters and the bullet penetrated his leg. When we attempted to give him first aid, troops beat us and arrested us,” Bornat said.

10 protesters in total were detained by the army: 6 of them were Israelis and 4 Palestinians. Among the protesters today was the Arab Israeli Knesset member Jamal Zahalka.