Chief Islamic Justice, Sheikh Taiseer Tamimi, slammed that Israeli plan to construct 20.000 homes for Israeli settlers, in two settlement neighborhoods which will be constructed on lands illegally seized from the Palestinians in the occupied east Jerusalem. Sheikh Tamimi added that this plan is part of a wider Israeli policy that aims at removing and expelling the Palestinians from Jerusalem, and increasing the number of settlers there in order to change the demography of the holy city.

Sheikh Tamimi also slammed the continuous Israeli attacks against the Arab areas in Jerusalem, and stated that this is a direct violation to the Fourth Geneva Conventions and the international law since Jerusalem is part of the Palestinian areas that are under Israeli occupation.

He stated that the settlers are “armed gangs that are authorized to rape and kill” and that “Israel is a state that only believes in violence, stealing the lands of the Palestinians, and removing the city’s’ Arab and Islamic history.

Sheikh Tamimi held the Israeli government responsible for the crimes that are carried out by the army against the Palestinian people and called on the Arab and Islamic nations to perform their duties and protect Jerusalem and its holy places.

Moreover, Tamimi described that shooting of a pregnant woman by the Israeli troops, while she was at home in Al Ein refugee camp in the northern West Bank city of Nablus, as a war crime.

The woman, Maha Al Katoumi, 29, was in her house on Thursday, during when Israeli soldiers opened fire randomly at resident’s homes, one of the rounds hit Al Katoumi in her abdomen, killing her 7 months fetus.

The family of AL Katoumi stated that Maha was in her room when she was injured. They called a Palestinian ambulance and as soon as the ambulance arrived at the house, soldiers surrounding the house stopped the ambulance and barred the medical teams to get inside the Al Katoumi home, leaving Maha to bleed for more than one hour.

Medical sources reported that Maha was injured in her abdomen and as soon as she arrived to Rafida hospital in Nablus she was admitted to the surgery room, doctors delivered the baby and found him shot in the head by the round that hit the mother.