The Al Qassam brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, have declared responsibility for the attacks on Sderot and Askalan city, north of the Gaza Strip.

The brigades fired dozens of rockets on Sderot and Askalan, causing structural damage to a number of buildings but no serious injuries.

Israeli sources stated that a resident of Sderot was lightly wounded after his house was struck by a homemade shell.

Al Qassam Brigade fired at least 9 home-made into the western Negev on Friday morning, after firing some 30 home-made throughout Thursday.

On Thursday’s attacks, a home-made Qassam shell landed near a school on the outskirts of Sderot, lightly wounding two people.

Israeli sources declared that the damage caused by Al Qassam fire in recent days has reached up to NIS 65 million.

Al-Qassam brigade declared that the barrage against Sderot and other Israeli towns is a response to the Israeli attacks against Palestinain resistance in the West Bank and lately in the Gaza Strip.