The Fatah organization has slammed the latest round of Israeli attacks against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, stating that the Israeli administration had reinstated a policy of ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians by carrying out organized crimes and shelling civilian areas. The statements came in a press release issued by the official Fatah spokesperson for the West Bank, Fahmi Al Za’areer.

Al Za’areer called on the Quartet Committee to intervene and prevent the Israeli attacks against the Palestinian people of the Gaza Strip from escalating and escalation and to place pressure on Israel to remain committed to the truce.

He added that the army is shelling everything in the Gaza Strip, including houses and infrastructure, and causing huge number of civilian casualties. He also called for a full truce not only in Gaza, but in the West Bank also.

Al Za’areer warned that the continued shelling of the area was pushing it into a state of chaos, adding that, despite this, Palestinians would never surrender to the occupation since resistance is an internationally guaranteed right of any nation living under occupation.

At least eighteen residents have been killed and many more injured over the last few days of Israeli air strikes in the Gaza Strip. At least eight of the killed residents are from the same family.