aL-Qassam brigades, the armed wing of the governing Hamas movement renewed Sunday vow to continue homemade shells into nearby Israeli towns unless Israeli attacks on Gaza come to a halt, spokesman of the brigades said.
Abu Obaida, the aL-Qassam spokesman, reiterated yesterday his group’s willingness to take all possible actions to response to continued Israeli air strikes against Hamas’s locations and operatives in Gaza.

“Israel has to forget about Shalit if Hamas’s leaders are assassinated’, Abu Obaida threatened to harm Gila’ad Shalit, a captured Israeli soldier in Gaza, if Israel assassinates Hamas leaders.

He asserted that ‘ all options are open’.

Meanwhile, an Israeli man was killed and two others wounded after a homemade shell landed in Sderot early on Sunday morning.

During a cabinet meeting on Sunday, the inner security cabinet of Israel decided to convene on Wednesday to work out a response to the latest death in Sderort after a woman was killed and 17 others wounded over the past week.

Palestinian Prime Minster of Hamas, called the Israeli actions on Gaza as an indication of Israel’s ‘moral bankruptcy and failed Israeli politics’.

The PM also believed that Israeli air strikes on Hamas, in particular, are intended at undermining the Palestinian political spectrum, for the purpose of installing other Palestinians, who do not side Hamas.

Haniya maintained that the Palestinian people’s steadfastness would foil any Israeli schemes for Palestine.

Palestinian information minister, Mustafa Barghouti, from his part, voiced the same reaction, saying” Israel is working on thwarting the Palestinian national government after it has realized that the infighting between Palestinians has not secured this wish’.

Israel has rejected the Hamas-Fatah government, installed early on March, demanding it to recognize it, renounce violence and accept past signed agreements. The international community, topped by the U.S, has voiced the same stance, with an economic embargo remains intact since March2006.

Chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat, confirmed that President Mahmoud Abbas, has been holding talks with five Palestinian factions involving Hamas, in order to ensure a mutual ceasefire with Israel.

Abbas had proposed a one-month-period ceasefire in Gaza, to be extended to the West Bank later on. Hamas is yet to respond, while Israel has not reacted.

Israeli aerial offensive on Gaza, over the past 10 days, has claimed the lives of 48 Palestinians including Hamas operatives and seven children and wounded about 200 others.