The Israeli army invaded Balata refugee camp near Nablus on the early hours of Tuesday morning.
Sources in the camp reported that troops invaded the camp and ransacked homes, causing massive damage to Mohammad Sharay’ah’s house, who, alongside Rabe’e Abu Leil, Firas Al Rayan, Najeh Abu Shaheen, Ra’ed Rawash, Yousif Al Srooji , was later kidnapped and taken to an unknown location.

At the same time, the Israeli army also kidnapped the Fatah legislator Jamal Al Terawe from Balata refugee camp. He was also taken to an unknown location.

In a separate operation in Jenin, the army kidnapped Majdi Ashor, 20, assistant to the Minister of Planning, and Ma’moun Ashor, 22. Both were taken to unknown destination.

The Israeli army has kidnapped more that 40 Palestinian officials and supporters of Hamas over the past week. The army claims that this kidnapping campaign is aimed at forcing Hamas resistance fighters in Gaza to stop firing home made Qassam rockets at nearby Israeli towns and cities.