Palestinian sources in Ramallah, in the northern part of the west Bank, stated that Israeli soldiers opened fire at the vehicle of Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi, the Palestinian Minister of Information, during an invasion of the city on Tuesday.The attack took place as Israeli troops were invading Rokkib Street, in Ramallah.

Commenting on the attack, Dr. Barghouthi stated that this attack proves Israel is continuing its assaults against all Palestinians on a daily basis.

Also on Tuesday, under-cover forces of the Israeli army assassinated a Palestinian security officer in Ramallah. The officer was identified as Mohammad Abul-Halim, 24, at least seven residents were injured.

In Jenin, in the northern part of the West Bank, the under-cover forces assassinated the leader of the newly formed Abu Ammar brigades, one of the armed wings of Fateh movement. The fighter was identified as Mohammad Hisham Mer’ey.

Several Palestinians were injured, and kidnapped on Tuesday, in several Israeli military invasions ina number of areas in the West Bank.