The Palestinian Center For Human Rights, based in Gaza, published its weekly report on the Israeli violations in the occupied territories in the period between May 24 – May 30, 2007. During the reported period Israeli troops killed 19 Palestinians, injured 54 and kidnapped 76.The PCHR reported that two of the 19 residents who were killed during the past week were extra-judicially executed by the army in the occupied West Bank, and twelve Palestinians were killed by Israeli air strikes in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli military continued its invasions and attacks in the occupied territories and injured 67 Palestinians, most of the casualties were civilians.

54 of the injured residents were wounded by Israeli military gunfire in the Gaza Strip, as the army stepped-up its aerial strikes and shelling attacks. A total of 46 missiles were fired by the army against civilian houses and parliamentarian sites.

The shelling caused excessive damage to several civilian houses.

The army carried 65 invasions into the occupied West Bank, and one invasion into Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

During these illegal invasions, troops kidnapped 70 Palestinians in the West Bank. Two ministers, four members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, nine mayors and four members of municipal councils were among the kidnapped Palestinians.

In the Gaza Strip, troops kidnapped two Palestinians.

Twelve residents, including a child and a physically challenged resident, were kidnapped on Israeli military roadblocks.

Soldiers continued their use of excessive violence against Palestinian and International peace activists protesting against the Annexation Wall and injured five Palestinian civilians, and one journalist in during a protest against the Wall in Bil’in village, west of Ramallah.

During the reported period, soldiers broke into offices of six charitable institutions and cultural centers in the West Bank.

Settlement activities continued in the occupied West Bank, while soldiers and settlers continued to uproot Palestinian lands and trees in order to expand the illegal settlements and outposts.

Troops demolished six Palestinian houses, four in Jerusalem and two in Hebron in the southern part of the West Bank.

All of the Palestinians territories remained under strict siege imposed by the Israeli military and most of the border crossings were blocked. Many sorts of goods and medical supplied remained unavailable in the Gaza Strip, and few Palestinian patients were allowed to travel abroad for treatment.

Click below for full PCHR Report