US Senator and potential Democratic presidential nomination Barack Obama has outlined his vision for the Middle East, arguing that peace in the region will only be secured through “a clear and strong commitment to the security of Israel” and “changing the dynamic in Iraq”.In an essay published in the Foreign Affairs Journal, Obama argues that the continuing war in Iraq has prevented the American administration from dealing seriously with the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict and accuses the Bush government of neglecting the region in recent years.

‘Changing the dynamic in Iraq will allow us to focus our attention and influence on resolving the festering conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians – a task that the Bush administration neglected for years.’

In an attempt to woo Jewish voters in America, Obama, like Hilary Clinton and the vast majority of the potential Presidential nominees, reaffirmed his strong commitment to protecting the future “security” of the Israeli state.

‘Our starting point must always be a clear and strong commitment to the security of Israel, our strongest ally in the region and its only established democracy.’

Elsewhere in the article, the potential presidential nominee refuses to rule out using force against Iran should its continue with its current nuclear program.