Sources in Nablus have reported that Friday’s attacks on the Old City area left many residents without water and electricity and caused thousands of dollars of damage to local shops, houses and the surrounding area.As part of predawn raid on Friday, Israeli forces blew up concrete barriers blocking entrance to the Old City of Nablus, cutting electricity, damaging water and sewage networks and damaging homes and local businesses in the process.

Three members of the Palestinian cabinet later visited the city to examine the damage, estimated at between $100,000 and $150,000.

The Palestinian Minister of Information, Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi referred to the situation in Nablus as “out and out war” and accused the Israeli administration of “choking the city with barriers.”

Nablus is subject to frequent raids and incursions by the Israeli army. February in the city saw the Israeli army launch the so-called “operation hot winter”, in which the army opened fire on civilians, arrested approximately 150 people and were filmed using children as human shields.