Israeli army kidnapped three Palestinian civilians from Zeta town, near Tulkarem, ransacked their homes and took them to unknown destination.
Local sources reported that an extensive military force invaded the town on Monday at dawn, launched a widespread search and kidnapping three civilians. The kidnapped were identified as Majdi Sa’ed,17 Mahmoud Balqees,18 and Naser Abu El Ez.

In a separate operation in Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank, the Israeli army assaulted one lady, Nada Al Arony, from Al Azarya, near Jerusalem, while she was walking near the Ibrahamic Mosque in the old City of Hebron.

In the same operation, Israeli forces kidnapped Hatem Abu Turky, 23, taking him to an unknown location.
The Army also launched a widespread search of the area, capturing civilians on the roadblock between Al Fawar camp entrance and the route to the other nearby villages and towns.