Several detainees imprisoned by the Israeli Authorities at the Al Jalama interrogation facility reported that they are facing continuous attacks and inhuman treatment by the soldiers and interrogators.The detainees told the lawyer of Nafha society for Defending the Rights of the Detainees that the interrogators are using illegal methods against the detainees during interrogations. These methods include extreme physical torture and physiological pressure.

Female detainee Banan Jamal Abu al Haija stated that the interrogators refused to treat her as a human being and tortured her in addition to practicing illegal methods of intimidation and abusive behaviors.

The lawyer visited several detainees including sameh Thabit, Abid Suleiman Mahdi Nazzal, Mohammad Wajeeh, Nibal al Khattab, raja’ey Ammoury, Ahmad asim, Nidal abu Hilal, and Mahmoud Mustafa.

Approximately 10.000 Palestinian detainees, including women and children, are currently imprisoned by Israel and are facing harsh living conditions and repeated attacks.

The detainees are also deprived from their basic rights such as proper medical treatment and food, in addition to being confined under conditions that violate the international law.