The Hebron office of the Palestinian Prisoner Society (PPS) reported that the Israeli army kidnapped 69 residents, including 11 children, from Hebron district in the southern part of the West Bank during the month of May.A total of 436 residents were kidnapped by the army in Hebron since the beginning of the year, among them 25 residents who need medical attention.

Amjad Al Najjar, head of the PPS office in Hebron, reported that the army carried continuous attacks in Hebron since the beginning of this year and kidnapped mayors, heads of local councils and civilians.

Al Najjar stated that the army attacked the kidnapped residents and their families causing dozens of injuries and described the Israeli invasion as brutal.

He added that several residents were kidnapped on checkpoints and crossings.

Most of the invasions were carried out in the city of Hebron, and the towns of Beit Ummar, Surif, Doura, Yatta, al Shoikh, Al Thahiriyya, Al Sammoua’, Beit Kahil, Taffouh, and the refugee camps of Al Arroub and Al Fawwar.

Considerable damage was reported in several attacked houses and properties as the soldiers used excessive violence during the repeated attacks.

Since the beginning of the year, soldiers kidnapped 436 residents; 94 were kidnapped in January, 96 in February, 93 in March and 84 in April, in addition to 69 residents in May.