Just one day after the official commencement of permanent status negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis and the reaffirmation of their respective commitments under the Road Map, Israel has intensified its aggression against the Palestinian people, killing at least 17 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and starting construction on 60 new housing units in Maaleh HaZeitim settlement in Ras El Amoud neighborhood in Palestinian East Jerusalem.Dr. Erekat calls on the international community to stop Israel’s ‘‘blazing destruction’’ in Gaza and East Jerusalem

Chief Palestinian Negotiator Dr. Saeb Erekat referred to today’s events as ‘‘the blazing destruction of Palestinian lives and property and a continuation of the Israeli policy of undermining the peace process and the efforts being exerted to revive hope in the minds of people that peace is possible.’’

Dr. Erekat reiterated calls for ‘‘concerted international efforts to stop the Israeli aggression against our people in Gaza and to pressure Israel to comply with its Road Map obligations, namely freezing all settlement activity, including in East Jerusalem.’’  

Dr. Erekat also stressed that the current Israeli policies ‘‘undermine President Bush’s peace efforts.’’

‘‘Israel’s continuous attacks in Gaza and ongoing settlement construction in East Jerusalem  highlight the enormous gap between official Israeli declarations and the deteriorating reality on the ground,’’ concluded Dr. Erekat. 

Contact for more information:

Muzna Shihabi (English, French, and Arabic)

Communications Advisor, Negotiations Support Unit

Tel: +972-2-296-3741

Mobile: +972-598-123-223

Email: mshihabi@nsu-pal.org

Wassim Khazmo (English and Arabic)

Communications Advisor, Negotiations Support Unit

Tel: +972-2-296-3741

Mobile: +972-544-626-980

Email: wkhazmo@nsu-pal.org