The villagers of Bil’in, located near the central West Bank city of Ramallah, conducted on Friday, along with international and Israeli supporters, their weekly protest against the illegal Israeli wall being built on the villager’s land.
The main theme of this week’s demonstration was to commemorate the Palestinian Left’s leader George Habash, who died in Jordan earlier this week due to severe health problems.

As is the case each week, the protest started after Friday prayers, with participants marching from the village center towards the construction site of the Wall, which is being illegally built on the village land. Israeli troops installed a military barrier along the way, and as soon as the protesters reached it, they showered the demonstration with tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets.

Three protesters, Mohamed Abu Rahmah, Nizar Abu Rahmah, and Oudah Abu Rahamh, were injured, with all three sustaining moderate wounds. They were moved to a hospital in Ramallah city.