Photo: Children studying by candlelight in the Gaza Strip, Occupied Palestinian Territory

Israel wants to build the longest submarine electricity cable to Europe via Cyprus and Greece.

The EuroAsia Interconnector will unify Europe and Israel’s electricity networks, including grids powering Israel’s illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory.

This multi-billion euro project rewards Israel for its war crimes while Palestinians are being kept in the dark.

Israel’s siege on Gaza limits electricity to just a few hours per day for close to 2 million Palestinians living there. Israel has repeatedly demolished Palestinian solar energy installations in the occupied West Bank, the only source of energy for many communities.

UNICEF, the UN agency for children, is a “proud supporter” of this shameful project.

Tell UNICEF: Israel’s war crimes are nothing to be proud of

UNICEF’s new slogan is: “For every child, hope.” The organization has widely documented how Israel’s illegal settlements deny Palestinian children their basic human rights and any hope for a future of justice, peace and dignity.

Yet, UNICEF is supporting an electricity cable to these colonial settlements, granting them recognition, money and infrastructure so they flourish.

Tell UNICEF: stand up for human rights of Palestinian children

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) is the largest coalition in Palestinian civil society. It leads and supports the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement for Palestinian rights.

04/04/19 UK Band Release Song Highlighting Israeli Apartheid (VIDEO)