Two Palestinian detainees, held by Israeli under arbitrary Administrative Detention orders, without charges or trial, are ongoing with hunger strike they started 45 days earlier, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has confirmed.

The PPS said Kayed Al-Fasfous, 33, and Sultan Khallouf, 42, are ongoing the hunger strike despite deteriorating health and the refusal of the Israeli prison authorities to listen to their legitimate demands by ending their arbitrary Administrative Detention.

The PPS added that the Israeli prison authority also refuses to move them to civilian hospitals and continues placing them in solitary confinement cells.

Al-Fasfous, 34, a married father of one child from Doura city near the southern West Bank city of Hebron, was abducted on May 2, 2023; he is also a former political prisoner whom Israel imprisoned for seven years. A few months ago, Kayed held a strike for nine days.

He was first abducted and imprisoned in 2007, and in 2021, he held a hunger strike for 131 days, protesting his Administrative Detention.

All of his brothers have been abducted and imprisoned by Israel, and currently, four of them are still imprisoned and held under the same arbitrary orders.

In addition, detainee Sultan Khallouf, 42, an engineer from Burqin town near Jenin in the northern West Bank, continues the hunger strike despite various health issues and is currently at the infamous Ramla prison clinic, which lacks physicians and basic supplies.

He was transferred several times to a civilian Israeli hospital, but the prison authority kept moving him back to the prison clinic.

Sultan was abducted on August 3, 2023, and was slapped with a four-month Administrative Detention order, and an Israeli court recently delayed deliberations in an appeal against the order.

He is a former political prisoner who spent 4.5 years in Israeli prisons, and in 2019, he held a hunger strike for 67 days, protesting being held under Administrative Detention orders.

The Palestinian Prisoners Society called on various international legal and humanitarian organizations. to intervene and secure the release of the two detainees and to act on ending the Israeli violations against all political prisoners.

There are more than 5200 Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisoner, detention centers, and interrogation facilities, including twenty children and four women.