Israeli soldiers killed, on Thursday, a Palestinian young man and injured four others, one critically, and abducted one, in the city of Al-Biereh, while shooting another young man in Ramallah city, in the central part of the occupied West Bank.

On Thursday afternoon, Israeli forces invaded the central West Bank city of Al-Biereh, east of Ramallah, sparking protests among local Palestinian youths.

Media sources said that occupation forces opened fire with live rounds, shooting five Palestinian young men.

The Ministry of Health announced that the young man Wajih Al-Ramahi, 20, succumbed to a critical gunshot wound to the chest.

He was initially transported to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society Hospital in Al-Biereh, where doctors pronounced him deceased as a result of his critical injuries.

Four other injured young men were transported to the Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah, one of whom sustained a critical gunshot wound to the head.

It was added that medical teams performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the critically wounded young man; updates will be provided when they become available.

It was added that a third young man sustained a moderate to serious live gunshot wound to his abdomen, while two others sustained minor injuries to their lower extremities.

Israeli forces have now killed 521 Palestinian civilians, including 130 children, while 20 Palestinians have been killed by illegal paramilitary Israeli colonizers, in various regions of the occupied West Bank, since October 7, 2023.

During the incursion, soldiers besieged a Palestinian-owned home in the “Ras Al-Tahouna” neighborhood of the city and abducted a Birzeit University student, identified as Laith Osama Al-Kishi, 22.

In related news, Israeli forces invaded, before dawn on Thursday, the city of Ramallah and stormed several neighborhoods, leading to protests.

Media sources said that soldiers at the “Al-Manara” roundabout in the city center fired live rounds, tear gas canisters, and concussion grenades, shooting a young man in the foot with live ammunition; he was transported to hospital.

It was added that the army invaded and ransacked exchange shops in the city, confiscated money and seized surveillance camera recordings.

Furthermore, soldiers fired tear gas canisters towards the “Al-Hisbah” in Ramallah, the main market in Ramallah and Al-Biereh, causing a massive fire to break out in the shops, causing major destruction.

It was added that soldiers stormed the Al-Jalazoun refugee camp, in addition to the village of Surda, north of Ramallah.