Jerusalem Governorate: Israeli occupation soldiers Killed eight Palestinians, abducted 304, and 16,138 colonizers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque, in addition to many demolition and expulsion orders, among numerous serious violations against the indigenous Palestinians of the occupied city, during the Third Quarter of this year, 2024.

In its monthly report, The Jerusalem Governorate office stated that eight citizens were killed, and the Israeli occupation army carried out 304 abduction, 154 demolitions and bulldozing attacks, and 16,138 colonizers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque during the third quarter of this year.

In its report released today, Thursday, documenting the crimes of the Israeli occupation during the third quarter of 2024, the Jerusalem governorate office stated that the occupation’s violations including killings, abductions, actual imprisonment decisions, demolitions, eviction orders, deportations, house arrests, and daily incursions into the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Slain Palestinians:

During the third quarter of 2024, eight citizens in the Jerusalem Governorate were killed. They have been identified as Mohammad Ghaleb Shehab (27 years old), Ahmad Nidal Aslan (20 years old), Sheeha (16 years old), Khalil Salem Ziyada (37 years old), the child Hani Majdi Al-Qari (16 years old), Yasser Raed Mteir (20 years old), and from outside the governorate Mohammad Hammash and Ziad Abu Sbeih (33 years old).

During the third quarter of this year, the occupation held the bodies of Mohammad Ghaleb Shehab and the child Shadi Sheeha, bringing the number of Jerusalemite slain Palestinians whose bodies are held by the occupation authorities to forty-three.

Colonizers’ Attacks:

During the third quarter of 2024, the Jerusalem Governorate recorded about thirty-three attacks by the paramilitary Israeli colonizers in the governorate, including 7 physical assaults.


The Jerusalem Governorate recorded injuries resulting from the army’s excessive use of force against Jerusalemites, with about thirty-six injuries from live and rubber-coated metal bullets and severe beatings, in addition to many cases of suffocation from toxic gas.

Crimes and Violations at Al-Aqsa Mosque:

In a clear and explicit violation of the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque, invasions by the colonizers, accompanied by the soldiers and police, continued during the third quarter of 2024, with 16,138 colonizers and 10,741 others under the guise of “tourism” storming Al-Aqsa Mosque during the morning and evening periods imposed by the occupation, supported by occupation forces.

Excavation File Under Al-Aqsa Mosque and Prevention of Restoration:

In August, a stone fell from the wall of the Tankiziyya School onto the courtyard of the occupied Al-Buraq Wall west of Al-Aqsa Mosque. The occupation stated that the fall of the ancient stone was due to water leakage from the school’s roof, which caused pressure on the stones and the binding material between them.

In September, the occupation authorities continued excavation work in the area of the Umayyad Palaces south of the Al-Qibli prayer hall and adjacent to the wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Targeting of National Figures in Jerusalem:

During the third quarter, the occupation authorities continued targeting Jerusalem Governor Adnan Gheith, who has been under open house arrest since August 4, 2022, without a specified time frame for the decision.

On September 22, the occupation authorities renewed the decision to ban the governor from entering the West Bank for the sixth consecutive year for four months, following his summons for investigation.

Five military orders have been issued against Governor Gheith since he assumed his duties in 2018, in addition to a sixth order placing him under house arrest for more than two years, all of which have been periodically renewed.

Also, the Israeli occupation authorities targeted Sheikh Ikrima Sabri, the Imam of Al-Aqsa Mosque and head of the Higher Islamic Council, as the so-called Minister of Interior of the occupation, Moshe Arbel, demanded the revocation of Sheikh Sabri’s Jerusalem residency.

Additionally, the extremist Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, demanded that the occupation police investigate Sheikh Sabri, who was abducted and released on the condition of being banned from Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Furthermore, the occupation intelligence handed Shadi Al-Mitwer, the Secretary of the Fateh; the Israeli authorities has imposed military orders on Al-Mitwer for more than five years, which are renewed periodically every six months.


During the third quarter of 2024, approximately 304 abduction cases were recorded in all areas of the Jerusalem Governorate, among them 20 children and 16 women.

The army also abducted more than 50 Palestinian workers, from various parts of the occupied West Bank, under the pretext of entering Jerusalem without permits.

The Israeli courts impose harsh decisions on detainees, ranging from actual imprisonment sentences, house arrest, eviction orders, and hefty fines. Some detainees have been issued travel bans, and many have had their detention extended for months or even years without charges.

House Arrest:

Eight house arrest orders were issued by the occupation authorities during the third quarter of this year.

Actual Imprisonment:

The report recorded that the occupation’s courts issued 88 actual imprisonment sentences against Jerusalemite detainees, including 54 administrative detention orders.

One of the notable sentences issued by the occupation authorities in July was against the child Ayham Nawaf Al-Salaima (12 years old), who was sentenced to 12 months of actual imprisonment after spending 14 months under house arrest.

Deportation Orders:

During the third quarter, the occupation authorities issued 30 deportation orders, 16 of which were for deportation and expulsion from Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Travel Bans Orders:

The occupation cites “security reasons” to prevent citizens from traveling, especially in occupied Jerusalem. During the third quarter of 2024, the occupation banned the Jerusalemite women Hanadi Halawani and Khadija Khweis from traveling.

It is noted that two travel ban orders were issued against Halawani, one in July and the other in August.

Demolition, Bulldozing, and Property Seizure Violations:

During the third quarter of 2024, the number of demolition operations in the Jerusalem Governorate reached 154, including 24 forced self-demolitions and 118 demolitions carried out by occupation machinery, in addition to 12 bulldozing operations.

During the third quarter, the occupation authorities issued more than 50 demolition orders in the areas of Bab Al-Amoud, Jabal Al-Mukaber, Anata, Shu’fat refugee camp, Al-Bustan neighborhood in Silwan, Al-Isawiya village, Wadi Al-Jouz neighborhood, Kafr Aqab town, Hizma town, Al-Khanadeq area, and Ras Al-Nader in Beit Anan town northwest of occupied Jerusalem.

Crimes and Violations Against Jerusalem Institutions and Landmarks:

In ongoing attempts to undermine Jerusalemites efforts within the occupied capital, the occupation continued its policy of closing active institutions and suppressing activities that affirm the presence and resilience of indigenous Jerusalemite Palestinians in the occupied city during the third quarter of this year.

Among the attacks on Jerusalem institutions and landmarks are assaults on educational institutions, students, and cultural activities, targeting medical and media institutions, assaults on journalists, erasing city landmarks, and tightening the noose on UNRWA and its institutions.

Colonial Projects:

In its relentless and frenzied pursuit to impose a “facts on the ground” in the occupied city of Jerusalem, through the implementation of dangerous colonial projects, the occupation government approved two new colonial projects during the third quarter.

The occupation authorities also inaugurated two previously worked-on projects, and illegal colonizers also established two new colonial outposts.

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