Both rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas agreed on Saturday afternoon to a new ceasefire, following Egyptian mediation.

The new agreement stipulated withdrawal of the side’s gunmen from streets and rooftops in a fresh attempt to defuse the highly volatile situation in Gaza in light of deadly infighting that caused a death toll of more than 45 and the injury of more than 100 others in seven days.

Buthan Hammad, chief of the Gaza-based Egyptian security officials, took part in the parties’ meeting at the Egyptian embassy in Gaza City.

According to the new deal, the two factions will exchange release of hostages.

Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah and Prime Minister, Ismail Haniya of Hamas, sent out a message to the conferees, urging them to abide by their agreements in order to fix this fourth ceasefire in seven days.

Officials of Hamas and Fatah will remain on permanent sessions in order to secure the implementation of today’s deal, after the previous three deals have not sustained even for few minutes.

Abbas is expected to arrive in Gaza later in the day within efforts to rein in the situation, the worst since Hamas and Fatah signed a power-sharing deal in February.

Shortly after the Saturday agreement, the convoy of the temporary pro-Fatah chief of the Palestinian intelligence service, Mahmoud Almasri, came under fire on the Alnaser Street in Gaza City.

No causalities were reported, while Fatah accused Hamas of the shooting attack.