Israeli sources reported that the Israeli authorities are getting ready to finish up the prisoner's exchange deal between Israel and Hizballah group, which will most likely take place next Wednesday at the border post in Raa's al Nafoura at the Israeli- Lebanese border. The Israeli Yediot Ahronout reported in its issue on Friday that on Sunday the German mediator in this deal, Conrad Gerhard, will give to the official of the Israeli prisoners file, Ofer Deckle, the full report made by Hizballah about the fate of missing Israeli air navigator Ron Arad. Hizeb Allah will also give Israel several letters written by Ron Arad 20 years ago, some of them written to his wife. Yediot Ahronout also reported that an official statement would be issued on Sunday about releasing five Lebanese prisoners in the framework of the prisoner's exchange deal. Among them the prisoner Samir al Kuntar . It also has been reported that the Israeli Cabinet is scheduled to meet in a special meeting next Tuesday in preparation for the implementation of the exchange deal.