The Israeli border police deployed on Monday, in the northern West Bank Israeli settlement of Yitzhar in an attempt to prevent settler violence against Palestinian residents and security officials.

The decision was made during a meeting between Central Command head, Yair Naveh and Major General Yisrael Yitzhak, the police chief of the West Bank district, after settlers significantly increased their attacks against the Palestinian residents and Israeli soldiers over the last few weeks.

The latest settlers attack came during the Jewish holiday of Purim, when a group of young settlers from Yitzhar attacked villagers in Aseera Al-Qibliyya, and threw rocks damaging homes and properties in the village,  


According to the Israeli police, Israeli soldiers and police attempted to arrest the settlers who are suspected of carrying the attacks out, but were faced by a large crowd of settlers who hurled stones and bottles at them shouting “Nazis” at the police and soldiers.

A group of settlers punctured the tires of a military jeep; soldiers withdrew without conducting any arrests.

Yitzhar settlement became one of the main settlements of repeated clashes between the settlers and Israeli police and security, especially after the police attempted to remove an illegal caravan located near the settlement.ÂÂ