About a month ago, Israeli army agreed that a limited number of the Palestinian police can carry revolvers in city centers only. The Israeli Right wing objected to the plan and the army suspended their plan. An Israeli media source reported that the Palestinian Authority informed the Israeli army about their intention to authorize some of the PA police to carry weapons in the Palestinian Authority controlled areas, despite Israeli opposition.

The army has continued to enforce the ban on Palestinian police bearing arms, and soldiers have been arresting Palestinians with weapons. Palestinian police argue that without weapons they can not play their desired role as police men, while Israel insists they not be allowed to carry weapons.

Palestinian police argue that without weapons they can not play their desired role as police men, while Israel insists they not be allowed to carry weapons.

Two policemen were arrested over the weekend for carrying Kalashnikov rifles and several other similar incidents have occurred in recent weeks. In these cases, the policemen risk arrest and injury, because Israeli soldiers are permitted to shoot them if they are armed.

Top Israeli security and army officials confirmed that the Palestinian police force, which was deployed in Beit Hanoun last August in the northern Gaza Strip after the army withdrew from the more populated areas, was making a real effort to prevent Qassam rockets from being fired into Israel.