Mahmoud Radi Erekat, 16, from Abu Dis, near Jerusalem, complained of torture practiced against him in Maali Adumim detention center, before he was transferred to Atzion detention.

Lawyer of the Prisoners Society, Hasan Al-Sheikh, said that he met with Erekat who informed him of different sorts of torture practiced against him.

Erekat said that soldiers forced made him stand on his hands, legs up for a long period, and tied his testicles with a rope repeatedly pulling them causing sever pain, in addition to putting the cigarettes off on his body.

Also, Erekat added that he was not allowed to sleep or use the toilet for long periods.

Soldiers also stoned Erekat after using him as a target, causing bleeding in his head and face.

Lawyer Al-Sheikh said that he saw wounds in his face and head in addition to the burn marks of cigarettes on his body. ÂÂ