The Palestinian center for Human rights in Gaza accused the army of committing “War Crimes” in its continuous operations in the northern Gaza Strip, killing five residents and wounding 53 residents including children, on Thursday.

The centre said in a statement released to the press that soldiers killed on Thursday more residents including a ten years old child, and shot wounded more than 53 residents, mostly children.

Several residents including children are currently in a critical condition.

Meanwhile, the statement said that the four residents who were killed were shot dead in Jabalia refugee camp, in the north of the Gaza Strip.

The center accused the Israeli Military of committing war crimes in its “continuous aggression in the Palestinian territories, and the excessive use of force against unarmed civilians”, according to the statement and warned of a human disaster in the area.

“The center in very worried that the military escalation will resume and cause more casualties among the residents during the military operations conducted against the people and their properties”, the statement added.

Moreover, the center considered the military operations a clear and direct violation of all principles of human rights and the International Law, and the fourth Geneva conventions.

“Occupation forces violated the rules and regulations of the fourth Geneva conventions which forbids collective punishment policies and protects the civilians in the times of war, army in these operation violated all rules and destroyed the properties and lands of the civilians and their lives in a way which can only be describes as a war crime”, the center said.

At the end of the statement, the center called upon the international communities and all countries which signed the Fourth Geneva Conventions in 1949, to fulfill its duties and obligations in order to stop the violations committed by the army.