The Palestinian Center for Justice and Peace, published its monthly report on the Palestinian terretories. The report said, 47 Palestinian were killed in August, 2004, including 11 children under the age of 18, and 8 in assassinations.

The report added that 580 residents were shot wounded, including 154 children, in addition 448 residents were apprehended, and 330 homes damages, 44 workshops, 1480 Dunums bulldozed, 5042 trees uprooted, 115 vehicles damaged, and 2966 Dunums confiscated for the construction of the wall.

The report also covers the period between 28/9/2000 – 31/8/2004

The rpeort indicates a raise in the death toll among Palestinians toreach a total of 3135, since the begining of this Intifada.

According to the report, among the 3135 deadths in the past fourty seven months, there are 791 children, 740 students and teachers, 314 security men, 148 females, 117 on checkpoints, 456 in assassinations, 45 by settlers fire.

Additionally, 55718 residents shot wounded, among them 16.000 treated in the field, 15560 children, 2555 women, 6300 disabilities including 3015 children.

30123 Palestinians were arrested since the beginning of the Intifada, currently 7500 are still in Detention.

In addition, 46082 homes destroyed including 4285 demolished and 867773 trees and plants uprooted.

The report also recorded auusaults against medical teams and their equipments. 82 medics and doctors killed on duty, 456 attacks against ambulances, 420 medics shot wounded, 40 ambulances damaged, and 59 women gave birth on checkpoints, 31 infants died and 116 sick persons after delaying the ambulances and obstructing the work of medical teams