A nine-year-old Palestinian girl was moderately injured Monday in a failed Israeli attempt to assassinate a senior member of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade in Jenin.

Army claims that the air to ground missile, which hit the home of Ahmad Musmar in Khallet Al-Sousa in Jenin and caused moderate injuries to his 9-years-old girl, targeted Mohammed Khalifa, who was driving his car.

Khalifa is known to be second-in-command of the Al-Aqsa Brigades’ Jenin branch.

Israeli security believes that he personally prepares bombs and organized military attacks against Israeli targets.

Khalifa is believed to behind the bombing at the Qalandiyeh checkpoint outside Jerusalem earlier this month, which killed two Palestinians and wounded six Israeli border policemen.

While assassination attempts are regularly launched, targeting resistance activists in the Gaza Strip, assassination attempts in the West bank are difficult to explain as Israel enjoys full security control over all West bank areas.

According to army sources, in the past 18 months, Israel has attempted only four assassinations in the West Bank.