For the first time since the start of the hunger strike on August 15, the prison allowed Sunday the Prisoners Club Lawyer Hanan Khatib to visit Hadarim prison and meet with few prisoners.

Lawyer Khatib met with prisoner Khalid Asakra ( Bethlehem), Tawfiq Abdallah ( Nablus), and Khaled Mardawi (Tul-Karim).

After the visit, Khatib summarized the conditions in the prison as follows:

the prison authority had cut off electricity in prison rooms since the start of the hunger strike.

Soldiers and prison guards confiscated all equipment, including TVs, radios, and water heaters, all eating tools, all books, pens, and copybooks, as well as salt and cigarettes.

Prison guards regularly break into prisoners’ rooms and conduct provocative searches.

Prison guards regularly flush water into prisoners’ rooms.

Prisoners are constantly moved between the different prison sections.

Prisoners’ leaders Samir Quntar, Mohamed Almasri, and Yahya Al-Sinwar were moved to an unknown distention.

Th health of around 30 prisoners deteriorated considerably, especially that of Atif Waridat.

Prisoners are so weak to climb to their beds and most of them are sleeping on the ground.

Doctors in the prison clinic refuse to provide prisoners with medical help unless they break the hunger strike and eat.

Prisoners are only provided with hot water. Cold water was cut.